EWPE Smart Mobile App – FAQ
This page provides answers to most questions about the EWPE Smart mobile app.
This page provides answers to most questions about the EWPE Smart mobile app.
— Registration failed.
Make sure that no special characters are used in the username, email address, or password. Use English alphabet characters and numbers. The password must contain both lowercase and uppercase letters, as well as numbers.
— The equipment is visible from a local network, but not from other Wi-Fi networks or mobile networks.
Update the firmware to the latest. The firmware version is displayed by tapping on the air conditioner name. If the router does not have internet access or there is a problem with the connection, the
connection is established from the local network as soon as the application is opened. If you are on another network, e.g. mobile internet, the connection will be established approximately half a minute after opening the application. Until then, the application will display a “disconnected” signal.
— Within the application, the search is started, a device is found, but the connection is not established.
Check the app version. You can do this in Settings under Check New Version.
The application sees the device, but cannot connect it to the selected router. The reasons for this are in the router settings:
– You are using the latest app version
– Power off the air conditioner and the router for 2 minutes
– Check if the router has internet access
– Check that the password entered for the router is correct
– Your router Wi-Fi password can be 8-32 characters long, use only numbers and letters without accents
– Make your router SSID address and password as short and simple as possible. Long and complicated names can cause connectivity issues
– Use WPA PSK and WPA2 PSK protection when setting Wi-Fi password, WEP encryption is not supported
– Turn off “AP isolation” in router settings
– Check that the router is emitting a 2.4 GHz signal
– Check that the router or router firewall does not block the MAC address of the air conditioner
– Set the router to 11bg and 20Mhz bandwidth at the time of connection. You can reset it after connecting
– Check that the router is assigned an IPv4 address instead of IPv6
– Use the WPA button to connect
— The search within the application starts, but no device is found.
When starting the search, connect to a Wi-Fi network with Internet access. The Wi-Fi module of the air conditioner must be reset no more than 2 minutes before the search (as described in the app). Then switch off the power for a few seconds. (Then, if everything is OK, the Wi-Fi module of the air conditioner is displayed between the visible wireless networks)
– Check if the router has internet access
– Check that the password entered for the router is correct
– Check that the router is emitting a 2.4 GHz signal
– Check that the router or router firewall does not block the MAC address of the air conditioner (Turn off the “firewall” and “MAC filter” functions of the router)
– Set the router to 11bg and 20Mhz bandwidth at the time of connection. You can reset it after connecting.
— Additional useful information.
Keep the air conditioner’s Wi-Fi module up to date: make sure the connected air conditioner’s firmware is up to date. You can check this by clicking on the air conditioner name. If there is new firmware, update the old firmware. If the local router fails to coordinate with your air conditioner, you may want to try a different router. You can do this by setting up a phone with mobile internet as a hotspot. If the connection is successful this way, you can use this to make sure that you need to be looking for the cause of the problem in a router setting. Try to use simple characters in both the router SSID and password (English alphabet letters and numbers)
— Controlling the air conditioning from multiple phones.
Download the EWPE Smart app and install it on the smartphones of all family members who want to control the equipment. Launch the app and grant the necessary permissions. Create a separate registered account on each phone and have each person log in to their account on their own mobile phone. Add the air conditioner to the main account (it can only be added once and to one account). Once you have added the equipment, click on the small human head (avatar) in the upper left corner of your account and select “Invite a family member”. Grant the necessary permissions for the camera. The family member should also click on the avatar in the top left corner twice in a row on their phone. Here you will find the QR code for scanning, scan it on the main phone. It is also possible to invite a family member using an email address or username. Select “Invite a family member” and click “Enter username/email” at the bottom of the page. Enter the required information and click the invite button. Shared equipment is automatically shown to invited family members.